Series | Dinosaur Rodeo

Series of 8 small watercolors of rodeo scenes but with dinosaurs instead of horses/bulls. I’d originally painted just 2-3 of these for a show benefitting the Aspen Valley Land Trust in 2013, but revisited and made more in 2014.

Group Exhibition | Landscapes & Landmarks

June 13 - July 17, 2014 at Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO

I was in a group exhibition with 7 other artists, mostly plein air or landscape-focused painters. Feeling a little out of my league, and also bored with traditional landscape paintings, I came up with this series.

Group Exhibition | Dream On

March 21 - May 2, 2014 at Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO
with John Cohorst, Brian Colley (curator), Lisa Ellena, Deborah Jones, Wewer Keohane, Frank Norwood, Johanna Mueller, Philip Hone Williams

A group show I curated that explored facets of the dream spectrum, from imaginative and fantastical imagery, to subconscious and dreamlike explorations, to soul-searching and soul-finding revelations.  The whole idea of dreaming (sleeping or not) is often about questioning concepts of reality, pushing boundaries, and opening up a deeper conversation about our day-to-day existence.

The artworks I made for this exhibition were all based from actual dreams I’d had and recorded in a dream journal. This was also the first time I’d tried cutting out the panel (masonite board) and layering them on top of each other to get a better 3D effect off the wall.
