Group Exhibition | Staff Show at Carbondale Arts

June 1 - 29, 2018 at Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO

The staff of Carbondale Arts put together a group exhibition to showcase all the cool things we were working on. Staff included myself, my sister Deborah Colley, Laura Stover, Amy Kimberly, Kat Rich, and Staci Dickerson.

I made a series based on a new-to-me-concept, “dialectical monism”, which still influences some of my work today. It’s the idea that 2 complete opposite forces not only can coexist simultaneously, but must coexist together to exist at all. Kind of like a yin-yang, two sides of the same coin, the 0s and 1s in binary code, good and evil, etc.

So from that came cassette tapes (child of the 80s) and pixelated paintings. You never know where these ideas will take you (or me).

This first section of cassette tapes are hand embellished linoprints (all from one carved block) with added watercolor/gouache/colored pencil elements.
If you scroll further down you’ll see a few of the larger cassette tapes I made, plus the pixelated paintings (labeled).


